Workspace settings are only available to Admins.

To access your Workspace Settings, simply click on your workspace name located in the upper left corner, then select “Workspace Settings”.


Here you can quickly get an overview of your workspace.

You can see what products are activated and learn more about them.
Following products are presented:

Furthermore, you can see your workspace billing plan as well as usage.


Here you can configure the basics of your workspace.

  • Upload your workspace icon.
  • Change your workspace name.
  • Add your company description to your workspace so that the models have background information about your company.
  • Delete your workspace. Note that this action is irreversible.


Here you can manage your workspace subscription.

Manage your billing and invoices, as well as explore the business plans we have to offer.


Here you can configure your security settings.

Security settings consist of:

User Management

Here you can manage members, their roles, groups, and customize permissions for each role.


  • Invite new users to your workspace.
  • Manage existing members and their permissions.
  • Export all members as CSV document.


  • Create new groups.
  • Edit existing groups by managing members, changing names, descriptions.


  • Customize the specific permissions for each role.
  • You can decide if Members, Editors, and Admins are allowed to share the assistant or create groups.
  • We will add more permissions that can be customized for each role.


Here you can customize settings for each product individually.

Product Settings

  • General access: Decide if everyone in your workspace can use chat or if you want to put some limitations.
  • Allow web search: If web search is enabled, the model is able to search the web for information. This can improve the quality of the responses, especially for factual or news related questions.
  • Allow image generation: If image generation is enabled the model is able to generate images. This can improve the quality of the responses, especially for creative tasks.
  • Data retention: Configure for how long messages and chats should be saved. Available options are: 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 12 months, forever. If data is deleted it can’t be recovered.

Assistants Settings

  • General access: Decide if everyone in your workspace can use assistants or if you want to put some limitations.
  • Data rentention: Configure for how long assistant messages and chats should be saved. Available options are: 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 12 months, forever. If data is deleted it can’t be recovered.


Here you can enable and disable specific integration in your workspace.

Check our guide for integrations to learn more about it here.


Here you can select the models you allow in your workspace, set a default model for every new chat, as well as add custom models.

If you are interested to learn more about different models, check out our Models page here.

Default Model
Set the default model for every new chat.
Note: A member can override this by setting their personal default model in the account settings.


Here you can customize Langdock to match your brand and legal requirements.

Custom color
Add your company’s main color for buttons and highlights in your workspace.

Chat Settings

  • Chat disclaimer: Here you can add a disclaimer which will be displayed below every prompt input field. For example, many of our users include a legal disclaimer.
  • Prompt recommendations: Here you can add up to 20 prompt recommendations that will be randomly displayed on the new chat screen.