Beginner Level

You are new to using LLMs and AI assistants.

Start by exploring Langdock’s chat interface and engaging with AI models like GPT-4o and Claude 3 Sonnet. Use various models for tasks such as writing, summarizing documents, and generating creative content. Over a short period of time, you will understand how these models behave, which will help you create assistants later on. The more you experiment, the faster you can accelerate your side career as a prompt engineer. Check out our Basics of Prompting and our Prompt Library (coming soon).

Intermediate Level

You have some experience using LLMs and are ready to build custom AI assistants.

With Langdock, you can create powerful AI assistants tailored to your specific needs. Start by exploring our Techniques and Tips & Tricks sections. Experiment with our assistants (coming soon) and prompts from the library (coming soon), which you can fine-tune for your company. Additionally, stay up to date with the AI industry by checking out our favorite resources, all collected in one place for you here.

Expert Level (Langdawgs Level)

You are an AI tinkerer eager to test the limits of LLMs and build innovative applications.

If you need support with an assistant or have ideas for improvement, feel free to schedule a call with Thomas or Polina from our Product team. To build on top of Langdock, you can check out our API here. We also welcome your assistants or prompts and would be happy to add them to our library, giving you a mention in our guide.