Divide complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps for better results. If you write 3-4 tasks in one prompt without any structure, LLMs might overlook one or more tasks or fail to execute them well. This is connected to the concept of Chain-of-Thought prompting.

By breaking down the tasks, you provide a clear structure that guides LLMs through each step, ensuring comprehensive and high-quality outcomes.

Breaking down in one prompt:

You can ask the AI model to break down a task and following the instructions step by step.

Search the attached documents for information about office guidelines in our Berlin office.
Then, list relevant items as bullet points and sort them by importance.
Afterwards, write a piece of concise information to post on our company's Slack channel to remind everyone about the 10 most important things to remember.

Breaking down in several prompts:

If a complex instruction does not work by dividing it into several steps in one prompt, try to divide this instruction into several prompts.


Prompt 1:
Please search for our office guidelines in the Berlin office in the attached document.


Prompt 2:
Sort the guidelines by importance. Explain your reasoning.


Prompt 3:
Write a Slack Post explaining the 10 most important guidelines.
