To use Langdock in Slack, the Langdock app must be installed in your Slack workspace. This can only be done by a workspace admin following the steps detailed on the Slack Bot integration page.

Afterwards, make sure that you have the app installed in your account. It should appear in the “Apps” section at the bottom left. If it is not installed, please click on “Add apps” to add the app to your Slack account.

Basic Usage

The Langdock Slack Bot allows you to use Langdock models and Assistants directly in Slack. Once the Langdock Slack App is installed, you can interact with it by:

  • Tagging the @Langdock app in a private or public channel where the app is a member.
  • Sending a direct message to the @Langdock App, by clicking on the app in the left sidebar under “Apps”.

After tagging @Langdock or messaging it directly, the bot will respond in a thread and you can choose either your default model or an Assistant that should respond to your message. The model will be the default model of your workspace, or the model you have set as your personal default in your Langdock Preferences.

What does the Slack Bot see?

The Langdock Slack Bot only sees messages in threads where it is tagged or messaged directly. It does not take into account other messages and threads in channels. If you want to make sure the bot sees a specific message, tag it in the same thread.

In the example below you can see that the bot sees the previous message and can translate it into another language.

Using Assistants

You can use all Assistants which are available to you in your Langdock workspace. To use an Assistant, you can search and select one after tagging @Langdock or messaging it directly, as shown in the image below. The Assistant will then respond to your message, using all of its knowledge and capabilities.

Continue conversation in Langdock

The messages you send to the Langdock Slack Bot are by default not visible in your message history in Langdock. If you want to continue the conversation in Langdock, you can click on the “Continue conversation in Langdock” link in any reply from the Slack Bot. This will open the conversation in your web browser and you can continue the conversation from the point where you left off in Slack.

It’s important to note that while you can see what the Slack Bot replies to other users in Slack, you cannot continue replies written to other users. Instead, you can send a new message in the same thread to continue the conversation.

Web search, data analyst, image generation

The Langdock Slack Bot has the same capabilities as the Langdock web app. You can expect the same results when using the Slack Bot as you would when using the web app.

Images and documents

The Langdock Slack Bot can also handle images and documents. You can attach an image or a document to a message and the bot is able to read and analyze it - just like in the web app.

Limitations of the Slack Bot

  • The Slack Bot cannot be used in Direct Messages with another user. It can only be used in channels or directly messaging the bot.
  • The Slack Bot does not see information across your Slack workspace. It does not have information about members of a channel, messages in a channel, or any other information that is not in a thread where it is tagged.