You can reach out to to set up your integration together in a call.


  • You need to be a workspace-admin to connect a Google Drive for the entire workspace. If you are not an admin, please reach out to your admin or refer to the user-level integration guide.
  • You need the Google Administrator account to set up this integration for the entire workspace.
  • This integration uses domain-wide delegation More Information

  1. Go to your integrations.
Integrations overview
  1. Add an integration. Click on Google Drive (Workspace-level)
Add integration
  1. You get to the integration management page. Here you can set up the connection.
Integration Management
  1. Click on Setup Connection to view the required connection fields.

Creating a Google Service Account

  1. In a new tab, sign in to Google Cloud as a super administrator. Click IAM & Admin and then Service accounts.
  1. Create a new Service Account for Langdock: Give it a name (e.g. Langdock Service Account) and enter a service account id. Click on Create and continue. Then click done.

    Google IAM & Admin
  2. Click on the newly created service account, navigate to the tab “Keys” and click on Add Key. Select Create new key and then “JSON” as the key type. You will receive the key as a JSON file in your downloads. Copy the clientID of the service account (labelled as Unique ID in Cloud Console).

    Langdock Service Account Key Creation
  3. Enable the Google Drive API in the Google Cloud Console:

    Google API Controls

Setting up domain-wide delegation

  1. Ensure your logged-in Google Account has super administrator rights, before continuing with this guide.

    Open the Google Workspace admin console in a new tab: Google Admin Console

  2. In the Google Admin console, go to Menu > Security > Access and data control > API controls > Manage Domain Wide Delegation.

    Click Add New and fill out the fields:

    • Client ID is unique id of your service account
    • OAuth scopes should be the following:,,,
    Service Account Email Controls
  3. Add the service account email, the private key (can be found in the JSON that was downloaded, copy everything between the " ") and the Google administrators’ email of the Google Drive service account it in Langdock.

  4. Click on Save.

  5. The connection is tested automatically and will be shown as successful or unsuccessful.

You can now access your Google Drive files in a normal chat or in assistants.