To improve the responses you receive, you can provide additional information about yourself or the replies you expect.

Company information

In the company settings, the admin of a Langdock workspace can give the AI model context about the company. This helps the model provide better responses without you having to provide such context in every conversation.

Custom instructions about you

You can find “Custom Instructions” in the individual preferences of your settings. Move the toggle on the right to “Active”. Now, you can enter information about yourself and how you expect the model to reply to you.

The way these instructions work is that they are sent to the model together with every message you send.

An example:
If you ask to Write me a short thank you message for the colleagues in my department for going the extra mile the last 2 weeks, the model does not know which department you work in.

If you specify in the custom instructions, I work in marketing, the prompt asking for the thank you message is sent to the model together with your custom instructions that you work in marketing. The response you will receive will be more tailored to your team.

Custom instructions for responses

In the second field for answers, you can describe what role the AI model should take on, what answers should look like, and in what style they should be written:

You can ask to always write in continuous text, in a particular style or as if the answer were written by a specific person/role.